Friday, June 24, 2005

What To Call It....

Jed is picking up words right and left. He will repeat and say all colors, except Orange. How can a child that is growing up in the Volunteer State not be able to say Orange?

So last night while he was in the bathtub, he stands up which is one of his favorite things to do since it drives his mother crazy. (I envision him falling and cracking his head open every single time.) So there he is standing in the middle of the tub in all his glory and he looks down and points proudly and says "P!" I don't think he was talking about the bodily function but the object.

After getting him out of the tub, Shelby dries him off and dresses him. I'm in the other room and I hear them talking. I think he had just pointed out his 'P' again. The next thing I hear is Shelby asking him where is w e i n i e* is. Okay this is great, we are the crossroads of having to come up with a name for It. My husband has been using the word t a l l e y w h a c k e r* arournd Jed. So far I not thrilled with either his or Shelby's choice of words. So do we go with the actual word, a nickname or what? Any suggestions are more than welcome because this is definitely something I had not bargained for when we had a boy.

*spaces added in hopes that search engines will be kind...