Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Time Management...

Oh boy, next time I am off work for a week or more I need to remember to keep up with my blogging...both posting and reading. I'm a little over the halfway mark of catching up with my must reads. I would just skip over them but then I feel like I might miss something. Which is probably the main reason that if I see 10 minutes of any "reality" show I feel compelled to watch the entire thing to see how it turned out (even if it is stupid)...My deep dark secret that only a few cherished people know is that I have a pathetic weakness for reality tv. And Lord help me if I stick around long enough to see the previews for the following week...I'm then hooked for the season.

Note to self: Remember to not to watch the beginning of any reality tv shows during Christmas break* so you will have plenty of time to keep up with your own blog as well as others...

*However for Spring....I already have my calendar booked for every Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.