Monday, October 04, 2004

A Soggy Start to the Day...

Today started out with me getting peed on. Jed and I had just sat down in the living room and I was getting ready to grab a diaper to change him, as we do first thing every morning. Jed was sitting on my lap when I felt something warm and then wet on my thigh. UGH overflowing diaper. Positive Note: I was still in my pajamas and hadn’t put on real clothes yet. Negative Note: I had just washed these pajamas the night before. Positive Note: He waited until we were out of my bed so he missed soaking my freshly washed sheets. Negative Note: I was peed on. Positive Note: At least he didn’t poop or throw up on me. Negative Note: I was peed on!!!

I’m not sure if this is a sign that it’s going to be a bad day (as in this is a sign of things to come) or if it’s a sign that it going to be a pretty good day (as in things can only get better.) We shall see…