Wednesday, September 29, 2004

That Must Really Hurt...

Earlier in the year, my step-daughter fell out of a chair and bruised her tailbone. You know how moms say that you should not tip your chair? Well kids really should listen to their mother about tipping chairs, running with scissors, not to cross your eyes and staying away from Red Ryder BB guns since you might put an eye out.

Shelby’s tailbone tends to get better and then worse and then better again. I keep telling her that this will take quit awhile to heal. And that she has to be very careful not to re-aggravate it. I doubt going to the doctor will be worth it. Not much you can do for a bruised tailbone.

So yesterday she called when I was on my way home asking if I could go by the store sometime in the next few days to buy her a donut. You know those round pillows that you can sit on? Well apparently her tailbone was hurting more than usual.

I asked her if she remembered doing anything that might have re-aggravated it. She couldn’t remember falling or being bumped. So a few hours pass and I am now feeling guilty that maybe I should make an appointment for her, that maybe something is seriously wrong since it seems to have gotten worse just out of the blue. Then in passing she mentions that while she was at a friend’s house this past weekend, she got to ride a horse. No wonder her tailbone hurts worse then ever. I would think that other than perhaps riding a bike, riding on a horse has to be the worst thing for a bruised tailbone. So I’ve been tossing ibuprofen her way in the morning and evening and we’ll give it a few more days. If by the end of the week the pain hasn’t eased up, I’ll call and get her an appointment. After all, it must really hurt if a 14 year old girl is willing to lug around a butt pillow to all her high school classes…