Tuesday, June 05, 2007

First Day of Class...

Today is the first day of my evening class plus Jed's first day of swim lessons.

Although I always get nervous the first day, I often walk out of class feeling a little exhilarated. I really enjoy teaching although I hate the grading. And the extra money at the end of summer ain't bad either. The only thing I am not looking forward to is the classroom. Last year the air wasn't working well in the class and we about smothered each and every class. Since it is an evening class, there has been plenty of time through out the day for the heat to gather in there.

Since it is Jed's first day of swim lessons, the class may be a little shorter than usual so that I can go with him. I'm sure I won't hear a single complaint from the students.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll have a wonderful report of a successful first lesson.