Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Why Me?

I knew this day would come but why did it have to happen now?

Because it was bound to happen eventually. It might as well be now rather than later.


Well this way we can get it over a lot sooner.


The sooner this is over, the better.


Because it is NEVER ENDING!!!!


Just the thought of infinite the spiral this thing takes on can cause a parent to shiver in despair.


Because when a young child enters The Why Phase, there is absolutely NO WAY to completely provide a satisfactory answer to quietly and peacefully end a Why conversation.


Any answer given would still be confronted with yet another Why. You can try replying with a simple "Because." but they still want to know Why. You can try "Because I said so. " which will be followed by Why. You can even try "I don' know!" but then you will still be asked why you don't know.

An almost 3 year old will never tire of asking why mama is about to go crazy. Or why she will explode if she hears the word Why one more time. Or why her sweet darling is driving her to an early grave. Why why why?????

So, does anyone have a clue on how long this phase lasts????