Friday, April 22, 2005

Yet Another Joy of Motherhood....

I was giving Jed a bath last night. He was happily playing and listening to a pop station on Shelby's shower radio. (His new thing is dancing....all the time dancing...there has to be music on at all times it seems so he can dance.) He was sitting in the tub when I heard the inevitable Blub...blub...blub...coming from under him. Oh My!!! I scanned the water but there was no sign of any foreign matter in the tub. False alarm, I sighed.

No, it was more like a practice run. No more than 5 minutes later came a more forceful BLUB BLUB and all I can say is ICK!! YUCK!! GROSS!! In in 19 months of life and baths, this is the first time we had this happen (a little of the liquid type yes, but this was the first solid addition).

I swooped him out of the bathtub so quickly he didn't know what was happening. After I got him dried off and in his pajamas I had Shelby come downstairs and hang out with him which I chloroxed the tub. All of his tub toys are still sitting in a sink of bleach. I hope that this was a one time occurrence. Oh please let this be the only time I have to clean poop out of a bathtub!

Oh the Joys of Motherhood are so wonderous and never-ending....