Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Jed's New Word and Skill...

While at work today, my sister called me. She keeps Jed on Wed, Thu and Fri. She wanted to tell me about Jed's new word. They were running some errands this morning and when they were pulling into Wal-mart's parking lot, she says he got all excited and said "Wal-Mart". This was followed by what she said sounded like "store, store".

Jed's vocabulary now includes deer, dog, cat, done, mama, daddy and Wal-Mart. I wonder if he learned it from me or my sister. My sister tends to take him there a couple times a week and he usually goes with me one or two times a week.

His other new skill is snapping his fingers. Well he doesn't really get the sound of finger snapping but he is doing the motion. My mom first noticed it and asked if we snapped our fingers alot at home. I had to think a minute but I realized that I often snap my fingers to get the cats to come to me. I usually have my hand close to the floor when snapping and funny thing is, Jed usually puts his hand close to the floor when snapping. Its amazing how they pick this stuff up...

*Note to self: Remind husband to start watching his language around Jed.